Relations With Education

Fiscal Year: 2016

Chair: William Kolski

Liason: Stasia Straley

OBJECTIVES: To improve and maintain regular channels of communication with administrators, teachers and students of local educational institutions. To stimulate interest in the accounting profession among high school, community college and college students. To assist in the review and awarding of scholarships and other recognitions by the Society to members of the educational community. To promote the cooperation between educational institutions and the Society in training accounting professionals who are well equipped to meet the requirements of Alaska employers.

General duties:

1.Establish an awareness with teachers, administrators and counselors of high schools and universities and introduce them to the ASCPA and its accounting career recruiting services.

2.Pursue Career Day opportunities for accounting students.

3.Cooperate with educational institutions in the establishment of progressive programs for the field of accounting.

4.Promote cooperative relations with the Alaska Bar Association, Alaska Bankers Association, Alaska Association of Realtors and other appropriate professional groups.