
Fiscal Year: 2016

Chair: Don Rulien

OBJECTIVES: To insure the continued growth of the Society through the nomination of members for leadership positions within the Alaska Society of CPAs and related organizations.


A Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President six months prior to the start of the next fiscal year. The committee shall consist of not less than three members in good standing, no more than one of whom shall be a member of the current Board of Directors.


1. Nominate officers, directors and Hagelbarger Directors.

2. Determine whether or not nominees selected will serve if elected or appointed.

Aprox. Dates

October 15 - Reminder Newsletter Article for November Issue
October 20 - Nomination request form mailed to members (AKCPA administrative responsibility)
November 20 - Deadline for receipt of forms
December 1 - Submit slate of candidates to Executive Director for announcement to membership
December 1 - Deadline for additional petition nominations.
January 1 - Deadline for mailing of ballots to members (AKCPA administrative responsibility)
February 1 - Deadline for receipt of ballots
February 15 - Announcement of election results in Newsletter

The ballots are counted and tabulated by an officer and a member in good standing appointed by the President.