
Fiscal Year: 2016

Chair: Bethe Davis & Melody Feniks

Liason: N / A

OBJECTIVES: To maintain high ethical standards for the profession and to interpret, publicize and enforce the Code of Ethics.


1. Address complaints and other information of alleged unethical conduct by AKCPA members.

(a) The committee is in place to protect the public interest as well as to concurrently act as a safeguard of the good name of the CPA profession.

(b) Investigate each complaint to the extent deemed necessary and to take whatever action is deemed appropriate under the circumstances.

(c) Due to the highly sensitive nature of any proceedings or investigations, all proceedings and/or investigations will be conducted on the minimum need to know basis.

2. Accept requests for arbitration on alleged violations of the Code of Professional Conduct and to serve as arbiters.


1. Have organizational meeting for the committee to review the Code of Professional Conduct and discuss the procedures for handling complaints.

2. Publicize the existence of the committee as an arbitrator through the Newsletter and other Society publications.

3. Coordinate with other committees on an as needed basis.

4. Write articles for the Newsletter concerning changes, interpretations and procedural issues related to Code of Professional Conduct.

5. Review the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct and the Joint Ethics Enforcement Program (JEEP) Manual of Procedures.

6. Meet on an as needed basis to discuss issues, publications and other committee activities.