Fiscal Year: 2016

Chair: Jacque Briskey

Liason: Heather Kephart

Committee Members

Jacquelyn Briskey

OBJECTIVES: To enable the members of the Alaska Society to develop and maintain high standards of competence by providing a variety of high quality, educational opportunities on a timely basis in convenient locations, and at a fair price.

To provide continuing professional education programs consistent with our primary objective, including emphasis on improving technical standards and skills of Certified Public Accountants in support of new services and directions.

To actively seek to coordinate non conflicting or superior offerings of other qualified providers of educational programs other than the AICPA.

To provide CPAs in industry, government, education and other fields opportunities to meet their continuing education needs.

To foster cooperation with colleges and universities in conference and program development.

1. Determine specific areas of interest to individual Alaska CPAs and CPA Firm Practice Units.

2. Determine extent of need for AKCPA technical seminars.

A) For professional needs of the individual CPA, and

b) For the professional development of non certified professional staff.

3. Develop, promote, and coordinate seminars.

4. Recommend and monitor standards of quality in selection of course offerings, discussion leaders, meeting facilities, general presentation, and course pricing.

5. Coordinate with and assist the State Board of Accountancy in applying state laws requiring CPA participation in continuing education programs.

6. Participate in the production of the CPE Course Catalog.


1. Survey committees and firms to establish topics for seminars.

2. Select sub committees to create a list of suggested courses for specific fields of interest.

3. Select members of the sub committees to be responsible for:

(a) Insuring attendance levels

(b) Provide liaison with discussion leader

Summarize course success

4. Provide announcements of upcoming CPE and Hot Topic seminars at society meetings.

Establish interface with Meetings, MAP, and Tax committees to accomplish objectives.