CPE Policies
Pricing Policy
The policies set by the CPE Committee enable the AKCPA to better serve your continuing education needs.
AKCPA Member/Non Member Registration Fees
Course descriptions include both member/nonmember fees.
The member fee is available to:
- AKCPA members/Associate members
- Out of state CPAs who are members of another state CPA society and not residing in Alaska.
A non member fee must be paid at the time of registration by:
- Individuals who are not member of the Alaska Society of CPAs
- Out of state CPAs who are not members of any state CPA society

Late Registration Policy
For registrations received less than 21 days from the course date will be charged a late fee of $50 for each 8 hour course and $25 for each 4 hour course.
Course Fees
Course fees include all course materials, luncheons and coffee breaks. They do not include travel or lodging. Room reservations are the responsibility of the participant. Course fees are subject to change at the discretion of the CPE Committee.
Upon receipt of registration and payment in full you will receive an email confirmation with details pertaining to the class.
Attendance verification lists will be sent to all attendees. This list includes recommended credit hours for courses attended, but it is your individual responsibility to claim credit for only the actual class hours (1 credit hour for each 50 minutes) attended.
In an effort to offer attendees the convenience of electronic course materials, the Alaska Society of CPAs is offering the option to receive materials in a PDF format. eManuals will be available for most CPE courses and is included in the course fee. Users will find there are many benefits to eManuals.
- Easier storage and access to information
- Faster reference using keyword searches and
- More convenient note-taking
Materials are distributed by e-mail to registrants with an electronic link to the eManual. Electronic links will be sent prior to each course. It is your responsibility to maintain a current e-mail address with the AKCPA. If you do not have an e-mail address, you have the option to purchase a book for an additional $30 fee.
If you prefer to purchase a manual there is an additional fee of $30 for each book. If you choose to purchase a book, it will be available for pick up at the registration desk on the date of the class. The option to purchase a book is available up to ten days prior to the course date. Walk-in registrants and those registering between one and ten days before the course will be sent an electronic link to the eManual by default. “Extra” printed course materials will not be available on site.
Cancellations, Refunds and TransfersIf you elect to receive an eManual (instead of a paper manual) no refund or transfer is available once you have downloaded the eManual.
Advanced Preparation – Internet access is not guaranteed for all class locations. Please download your eManual prior to the class. Links to the eManuals will be emailed at least 10 days prior to each class
Cancellation & Refunds
The AKCPA reserves the right to cancel any presentation due to insufficient registration or the inability of the discussion leader to speak at a scheduled seminar. Each registrant will be notified and registration fees will be fully refunded. The AKCPA is not responsible for penalties incurred by registrants who must cancel travel arrangements.
Refund Policy
Full refund, less an administrative fee of $25, will be available when registration is cancelled more than 21 days prior to the presentation date. No refund is available for cancellations within 21 days of the presentation date. Any refunds made due to extenuating circumstances will be referred to the CPE committee and will be based on their consideration of the individual situation.
If you cannot attend a class for which you have registered, you may find a substitute. If the individual is not a member then the non member fee will apply. The Society office should be notified of this in advance. If a program is two days in duration the same person must attend both days.
Transfer Policy
The Society can no longer transfer registrations from one seminar to another.
CPE Seminar Schedule
Unless otherwise noted on confirmation sheets, CPE seminar schedules are as follows:
- 7:45 a.m. check in
- 8:00 a.m. seminar begins
- 12 - 1:00 catered lunch
- 4:00 p.m. seminar ends